
Vim - Cheat Sheet

We know that learning all Vim'ss keybinds takes time, so here is a small Cheat Sheet that may help you in this journey of learning Vim.


Command Description
:q Quit, fails if unsaved
:q! Quit, even if unsaved
:w Write (Save)
:wq Write (Save) and quit


Command Description
$ Jump to the end of line
^ Jump to the start of the line (First non-blank character
h Move left
j Move down
k Move up
l Move right
H Move to the top of screen
M Move to the middle of screen
L Move to the bottom of screen
gg Move to the start of file
G Move to the end of file
20G Move to line 20
w Jump to the start of the next word
b Jump to the start of the previous word


Key Description
ESQ Return to Normal mode
i Insert at cursor position
a Insert after cursor position
o Insert on the line below cursor position
v Enter Visual mode
Ctr-v Enter Visual mode (block)
V Enter Visual Line mode


Key Description
u Undo
Ctr-r Redo


Key Description
/{string} Search for string
n Jump to next match
N Jump to previous match
~ switch case
/{string} c
?pattern search backward for pattern
:%s/old/new/g replace all old with new throughout file
:%s/old/new/gc replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations

Copy and Pasting

Key Description
y [in Visual Mode] Copy highlighted text
yy Copy current line
d [in Visual Mode] Cut highlighted text
dd Cut current line
Ctr-Shift-V Paste from external clipboard
P Paste before the cursor
p Paste after the cursor

Split Screen (Working with multiple files)

Key Description
:vs {file name} vertical split, if there is no file name, vim will split the current screen
:sp {file name} horizontal split, if there is no file name, vim will split the current screen
:e filename Edit a file in a new buffer
:bn go to next buffer
:bp go to the previous buffer
:bd delete a buffer
ctrl+w h Move to the left window from current window
ctrl+w j Move to the bottom window from current window
ctrl+w k Move to the top window from current window
ctrl+w l Move to the right window from current window
ctrl+w r Swap bottom/top if split horizontally
ctrl+w R Swap top/bottom if split horizontally
ctrl+w r Rotates the windows from left to right - only if the windows are split vertically
ctrl+w R Rotates the windows from right to left - only if the windows are split vertically
ctrl+ws Split windows
ctrl+ww switch between windows
ctrl+wq Quit a window
ctrl+wv Split windows vertically


Modifiers Description
ci{ change the contents inside the current pair of curly brackets
ci[ change the contents inside the current pair of square brackets
ca( change a single-quoted string, including the surrounding curve brackets
da' delete a single-quoted string, including the surrounding single quotes


Key Description
ctrl+a increments the number
ctrl+x decrements the number

Note: An octal number starts with 0, and a hex number starts with 0x or 0X.

Marking text (visual mode)

Marking Descritpion
o move to another end of marked area
O move to another corner of block
aw mark a word
ab a () block (with braces)
aB a {} block (with brackets)
ib inner () block
iB inner {} block
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